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The software industry has made many kinds of equipment for wars against The Dragon of The Source Code. If you get advertising "for software developers", you have seen such things. We won't consider them here. We won't study how "to find the safe way in the chaos", how "to see what the function really does" or how "to make thousand pretty diagrams from thousand ill-designed classes".

Let's consider quite different problem. The Dragon of The Source Code is being born, when somebody begins to write code. This Dragon is growing together with the amount of LOC.2 This Dragon becomes cunning, when somebody makes a silly error. This Dragon gets power, when somebody implements a bad decision.

If the Dragon of The Source Code cannot exist without the source code, we know where to seek his traces.

We can consider how we breed him. We can consider how we support him. We can consider how we take care of him. We can also consider how his presence affects us. Consequently we can understand how do not grow him and how to limit his potential.

Of course we cannot consider all aspects of the Dragon in this article. The number of methods to do bad things is unlimited. At least you may get some information and understand how apply it to your own Dragon.

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